Saturday, 20 October 2012

Week 3: Tears, Ecstasy & Eye Candy :)

Happy weekend :) 

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for the kind donations of ropes and sympathy for Dougal. I am still seeking offers of a kettlebell (at least 8kg) or any kind of weights!!

I know you have all been checking here every day to check how my challenge went, right? Well as they say, you have to wait for the best things in life, eh? :)

I went to Galway on Thursday. I trained with Gareth - Shauna’s boyfriend from Body Dynamics. It was really intense – very much weights-focused. Exercise has never made me cry before, but I was darn well near it on Thursday. I trained along Shauna and to her programme, which I think was way beyond what I am able for. But at the same time, I completed everything - so that must account for something. It was also fantastic to have someone to train alongside. I think the most difficult thing I had to do with the TRX. My feet were elevated using the handles of the TRX, and my hands were on the ground in front of me…it is hard to describe, so here is a clip of what I did. Thank you so much to both Gareth and Shauna for allowing me to train with you!

Shauna wanted me to do the challenge after the session, but I would have cried if I had to do anymore! She eventually gave in, drove me home and made some nomilicious turkey burgers, quinoa, and a beetroot, mint, pecan nut & feta salad. I must get her to write out the recipe so I can share it with you all.

I thought I was going to absolutely ache on Friday morning – and I was really worried that it was going to affect my time. However, thanks to loads of stretching on Thursday, I was as right as rain! I woke from my magnificent slumber at 7.15am. I had a mental chat with myself (you know, usual pleasantries: good morning Siobhán, are you ready to do this shit?), got dressed and took off - as light footed as a baby elephant - down the stairs to Shauna’s studio. Shauna followed, cackled like a witch, and asked me if I was ready. I used the step to warm up. I love using the step as I can really step out the beats to the tunes and it makes me feel really energised!

Not long after, Shauna blew the whistle. I had planned in my head that I was going to follow a different strategy to the previous two weeks. I did ten of each of the exercises in rotation and moved quickly from station to station. This meant my muscles did not fatigue as quickly as before. This week, I really noticed an improvement in my ability to execute each of the exercises without it burning too much – especially the back lunges. I think the reason for this is that I had gone through the exercises a few times during the week – not against the clock, but just to add some variation to my cardio-laden fitness regime.

I was so relieved when I was finished – but I was wrecked too! I had, once again, given it my absolute all. However, like last time, I really was not sure how I did. I seem to lose all concept of time when I am concentrating on…ahem…staying alive! This is me when I did my final back lunge (hate those things).

Shauna looked at me, and a wave of disappointment and sympathy washed over her face. My heart sank. I felt like crying (again – seems I was a ball of emotion last week).
‘It may have been because you changed your strategy….’, Shauna said, with an air of melancholy  in her voice.

‘…but it worked!!! 11 minutes, 33 seconds!!!!’

I screamed and shouted, and an air of absolute satisfaction came over me! I was so happy! I had said in my previous post I hoped to shave one minute off my last time. I knocked one minute and four seconds off it! DEEEEE-LIGHTED! I gave Shauna a big huge massive sweet-smelling sweaty hug, and did little happy dance in my head (my burning limbs prevented me from physically executing a top-class expertly-choreographed one).

Needless to say, I am super happy!

I have been meaning to try to incorporate some pictures into my posts. I know they are really wordy. But I love words. Shauna took a couple of photos of me mid-workout on Friday. Something for you guys to have a laugh at!

Thanks for all the continued support and stuff!! 

Love Siob xxx

P. S. Shauna as an awesome competition running at the moment – just like her page to be entered into it! 

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