Hello my good people!
Happy Tuesday one and all……I was going to be really annoying and start with a big fat juicy HAPPY CHRISTMAS (see Lorna, I have reinstated the Christ!), but I decided I did not want to lose any of my beautiful loyal followers at such a late stage of my journey! I was listening to the radio today and the DJ kept saying ‘Merry Christmas & Happy New Year’ to people on air and I was like ‘IT’S FLAMING NOVEMER…let’s get over movember first!’ Sooooo annoying!
Anywho, I have had a really exciting week this week. I am
suffering from terrible insomnia at the moment…yawwwwn. At night time, I have
started rooting through the back of my wardrobe. I have found treasures in the
form of clothes from my….ahem….youth which I thought would never fit me again.
Now when I say youth, I mean like last year! I was never
much of a skinny mini as a teenager, apart from that time I contracted
campylobacter or some other exotic-sounding food poisoning which left me
addicted to pethadine (yes the stuff they give women in labour) and weighing in
at about 7 stone 3lbs. Wonderful time of my life which lasted about a week after I starting eating again!
The first of these treasures was a pair of uber flattering
stonewash-grey jeans from La Boutique de la New Look (very posh and exclusive).
These jeans are about 6 years old and are my most favouritist jeans ever when
they fit me. And when they don’t fit me they are the worst jeans ever. They are
what I call my ‘indicator’ jeans, that is, they are the jeans that tell me if I’ve
got fatter or skinnier. They are very worn at the bottoms, and my mother keeps
telling me they are only fit for the bin. The last time they fitted me
(definition of fitted: closing without the existence of a ‘muffin top’) was
last September. This time 3 months ago, they would not even close on me, which
is what led me to wind myself up into a Hurricane Sandy-like rage and dispose
of them to the back of my wardrobe.
On Saturday, my owlish tendencies led me to try them on.
This is how they looked:
Not only do they fit me, but for the first time in 4 years,
they are actually LOOSE on me!!! I ached to run around the house screaming in a
non-drug induced ecstasy, but I value my life far too much (mom would have gotten
the wooden spoon to me).
My second feat happened last night at approximately 2am
(Irish time). Again, I a pottering about fuelled by my unnatural nocturnal
energy. From the back of my wardrobe, I pulled another treasure…a size ten dress
that a bought during my first week back from Australia last year. I got it in
Swamp to wear to my good friend Rob’s epic birthday bash. It is the only night
I wore it, as I reignited my love of Irish Cider in the weeks after and was
always to bloated to wear it on nights out.
With caution, I tried it on. The zip went up seamlessly
without me having to squeeze myself into sexy spanks, or indeed suck myself in
til I felt ill. BINGO!!! My waist looked nice and trim in it…DELIGHTED! I could
still afford to lose a few lbs in order for it to look magnificent, but hey…SCORE!!!!!
Christmas dress SORTED!
I am so happy right now…it is the BEST FEELING EVER!!! This
is the point in the weightloss process where it becomes addictive. Though I don’t
think it is the act of losing weight that is addictive, but rather the FEELING
it gives to you.
The last few weeks have I made few couple of adjustments to
my diet, and I feel all the better for it. I have cut out grapes and started
drinking sparkling water. I have always been good for drinking my two litres of
water, but since I started drinking sparking water I have been eating less. I
have also been diluting it with a little Lime cordial which is warding off any
sugar cravings I get from time to time. Other than that, I am eating plenty
eggs, lean meat and veggies!
Exercise-wise, I did not do my challenge last week but plan
on getting to Galway later this week to do it. I am still doing my Metafit
(thanks Roisin & Gerry for putting out extra weights), kettlebells, dancercise,
sean –nós dancing and jogging.
I am most definitely on the home straight now WOOOOHOOOO!!!!
There is part of me that wants to hop on the scales, but I am a bit afraid in
case my weight doesn’t reflect how much smaller I feel – that would drive me
Here’s to another great week!!!
Well Siobhan, from myself (and Gareth), we would both like to say HUGE congrats... you reap the benefits of what you sew (or something along those lines, ha) as they say, and you my dear are most definitely reaping!!! :) I'm so proud of you and I hope that this great feeling follows you for life, not just for Christmas, cos another thing "they" say is this... it's not just for Christmas ;) Keep up the fantastic work and ill see you Thursday for another butt busting challenge :) Shauna
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Shauna!!! I feel so in control atm! It's brilliant! See you Thurs xxx